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Can You Overdose On THC Or CBD?

Apr 30

THC is now legal in nearly half of the United States. As such, there has been a rise in interest in CBD (THC) and THC (CBD). Both cannabinoids have distinct effects on the human body. This is why people are curious as to how long they stay in your body.

In this article, we'll discuss the differences in THC and CBD as well as how each lasts in your system.

THC: What is it?

THC is the most psychoactive compound found in cannabis. It is what gives THC "high". THC binds with cannabinoid-receptors in the brain to produce a variety of effects.

  • Euphoria
  • Relaxation
  • Increased appetite
  • Memory loss in the short term

What is CBD?

CBD is a nonpsychoactive ingredient found in cannabis. CBD is not a psychoactive compound like THC. CBD has many potential health advantages, including:

  • Reduced anxiety
  • Pain relief
  • Anti-inflammatory properties

For how long can they stay in your computer?

THC can remain in your system up to 30 day. CBD, however, is not detectable in standard drug tests.

Are there Side Effects?

Side effects may occur for both CBD and THC.

  • Dry mouth
  • Red eyes
  • Drowsiness
  • impaired motor skills

Before you start using THC, it is best to consult your physician.

Can You Overdose On THC Or CBD?

No. THC or CBD can not be overdosed. Overdosing on either THC/CBD can cause unwanted side effects. If you experience any side effects, it is best to stop using the compound and contact a doctor.

What Is The Difference Between Hemp & THC?

Yes. THC, or hemp, is a different type of Cannabis sativa. THC is up to 30% while hemp has very low levels (0.03%). Both hemp or THC can contain CBD.

Why Do You Use THC or CBD?

THC/CBD offer many health benefits. Many people use them for pain relief, inflammation reduction, and to improve their sleep. These compounds are also used to treat mental illnesses like anxiety and depression.

Are There Safe Doses Of CBD and THC?

It depends on the individual. People may tolerate high doses of these substances without experiencing any adverse effects. However, others may have trouble coping with lower doses. It is best to start at a low dose and increase slowly.

What Risks Are There When You Use THC or CBD?

There are no serious side effects. These include dryness, red eyes or dizziness. In rare cases, paranoia and anxiety may occur. Talking to your doctor is a good idea if you have questions.


What if I'm using CBD or THC to get behind the wheel?

It's dangerous to drive while high on these substances. THC may affect your ability and CBD might make you feel drowsy. Make sure you plan ahead, and be aware of the risks.

What can you do to protect your rights when using CBD or THC?

These substances may have different legal statuses depending on where they are located. They might be legal in some areas while they are illegal in others. Before using these chemicals, it is important to ensure that you are familiar with the local laws.


We want to end by saying that THC or CBD use is entirely up to the individual. However, you need always be aware about the possible dangers. Take precautions and make responsible decisions when using these substances.

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