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New Jersey Legal Window Tint Laws

Oct 8

If you are a resident of New Jersey, it is essential to understand your legal window tint laws. There are many factors to consider, including medical exemptions, penalties, and restrictions. This article will give you all the information you need to take an educated choice. Here are a few of the most important points to be aware of:

New Jersey Legal Window Tint Laws


It is essential to conform to the New Jersey window tinting laws when tinting your vehicle's window. These laws limit the amount visible light that can pass through the window and the amount of reflection that it can cause. Tinting window films cut in pre-cut pieces makes it simple.

The first thing to be aware of is that tinting is allowed for side windows, the rear windows, and windshields of vehicles. Tinting the windows on the side of cars is prohibited. Tinting the windshield or front seats can reduce glare and heat rejection. The regulations regarding tinting the rear window vary by county therefore it is important to check with the local police department before applying tint to your car.

The police pulled over the car with tinted. The state Supreme Court dismissed the case. The court ruled that the initial police stop was unjustifiable. A driver can't have any reasonable suspicions that they're in violation of the law if they can't discern the interior of the vehicle.

A New Jersey ticket for window tinting can result in a heavy fine. A fine up to $1,000 for a first offense, and up to $5,000 for a second offense could be imposed. You must take out all tint from the vehicle before you sell it.

There are some exceptions to this law. People with medical conditions may request a waiver for dark tint. Most of the time the darker tint permitted on all other windows covers many of these issues. Sometimes, a doctor has to accept the tinting before it can be installed inside your vehicle.

The laws on tinting windows in New Jersey vary by vehicle. If you're tinting your vehicle to protect your privacy or for style this law can help make your car look more appealing. Keep in mind that a car that has dark shades is difficult to see through.


New legislation would increase penalties for drivers who tint their vehicles. The bill changes the state law that governs tinting, and requires that drivers show a valid driver's license upon request , as well as an authorized motor vehicle inspector during an inspection. If the driver fails to show that they are carrying the right license or tint card, he or she could be penalized as high as $100. If the driver is able to show a valid certificate or license card, the judge can decide to dismiss the case.

While the laws are vague on tint color however, they do state that tinting is not allowed on windows in certain vehicles. The state also does not require film manufacturers to certify films for use in the state. Additionally there aren't any compulsory stickers for drivers to show that the tint is legal. If you are caught tinting your windows, you could be held accountable to pay a fine of as much as $5,000.

The law doesn't apply to tinting front or rear side windows of passenger cars. However, tinting the back side windows and the windshield is permitted. The tinting is permitted to be any color , as provided that it doesn't affect the visibility. The law prohibits the use of metallic or reflective tints.

New Jersey law allows you to choose different tints for your windows. You can choose to tint your windshield to block heat or glare. It's crucial to keep in mind that tint laws can vary between states and the next. It is important to know the state's laws and enforcer policies prior to installing any tint on your windows.

Prior to applying tint on your vehicle, consult a doctor in case you're concerned about safety or want to guard your eyes from harmful UV rays. Tinting is mandatory for certain medical conditions such as chronic actinic skin diseases. You may also apply tint to medical exemptions from the state, however you should always consult your physician prior to applying tint.

The law applies to passenger as well as multi-purpose vehicles. There are exceptions for sunscreening, for example.

Exemptions for medical reasons

If you live in New Jersey, you may be eligible to receive an exemption from legal window tinting for your car. To be eligible you must be suffering from certain medical ailments. These include chronic actinic dermatitis, photosensitivity, and skin cancer to just some. These conditions can be met to be exempt from tinting your front windshield, side windows or both. To be eligible for an exemption, your doctor must sign a letter stating that the condition is adversely affecting you. When you've been granted an exemption and the commissioner approves it, they will present you with a certificate or decal to put on the vehicle. The exemption lasts for four years.

For those who have specific eye issues There is a second medical exemption. New Jersey law allows for exemptions for patients with photosensitive ophthalmic and dermatological issues. Franco was left with congenital vision loss after an accident during childhood. The exemption permits the blackening of your windows to up to 30 percent without the risk of getting caught in the crosswalk.

Fortunately medical exemptions are easy to get. A valid letter from a doctor who is licensed is required each year if you plan to tint the side of your windows. A certificate from a licensed doctor must be sought out every three years if you plan to tint your side windows with darker shades. It's important to note that medical exemptions won't last forever and must be renewed each year for a period of four years.

Medical exemption permits can be obtained through the Department of Transportation to get an exemption from tinting your windows. These permits are valid only with a physician's note in the vehicle. It is also possible to obtain an exemption from medical window tints sticker for your rear windows.

If you're sensitive to light or chemicals you could apply for an exemption. It's legally permitted in New Jersey to tint your back and side windows. Medical exemptions are usually due to skin cancer or light sensitivity and they can be easily procured from your doctor.


In New Jersey, if you are thinking about the installation of a tinted window for your car, you should be aware of the restrictions. You can tint your windows and windows on the sides of your vehicle up to 35 percent. If you want to use a darker tint then you need to obtain an exemption from the state. The exemption lasts for two years and is applicable on two vehicles.

If you have a disease that causes ophthalmic photosensitivity or dermatological issues, you can apply for a medical exemption to the New Jersey window tint laws. These conditions include skin cancer and chronic actinic dermitis. The car must have an exemption for medical reasons which must be displayed on the windshield as well as the right-hand side window of the front. Before the vehicle is sold it must be taken away from its tinted film.

There are a variety of tint laws that vary from one state to the next. They are usually classified according to Visible Light Transmission (VLT), which is a measure of how much light can be allowed to pass through a film or window. The higher the VLT a tint has, the greater light can pass through it. This is why there are laws that govern the amount of VLT and what tints are permitted. In New Jersey, for example the VLT is 75% can be acceptable while a tint is prohibited at 5%.

New regulations are also imposed on police officers through the law. It imposes stricter regulations and also provides a public information program to educate motorists about tinting regulations and the consequences for violating the rules. The sponsor of this bill hopes it will clarify the laws of the state regarding window tints and improve public safety.

The window tint laws in New Jersey differ from those of other states. To learn more get in touch with the local police department. There are tint laws applicable to different windows, like the front and rear side windows, windshields back windows, side windows. If you have dual side-mirrors You can also get tinted windows for your rear.

Address:  1122 US-130, Robbinsville Twp, NJ 08691, United States

Phone:      +1 609-208-3901